I don't know about you but I love the 'New Year, New Me' cliche and viewing the start of the year as a fresh start to continue to develop myself and to set new goals.
Perhaps one of your New Year Resolutions is to start 2021 by building some positive habits to help develop a better version of yourself?
If this is the case, I would like to share with you a free, downloadable template that you can use to track your habit progress along with ways in which you can build your habits so you are consistent.
How To Build Your Habits:
Consistency is the Key:
There is so much speculation surrounding how long it takes for a habit to form. Some say 7 days, some say 66 days but James Clear (author of Atomic Habits) says: if you stop doing said habit then it no longer becomes a habit.
Therefore, hold yourself accountable and continue to do your habits because as soon as you stop you will no longer have that habit. You could hold yourself accountable by doing joint habits with your friends or you could use the downloadable template towards the end of this blog post to track your progress.
Record Your Progress:
The above point on consistency and accountability ties into this but make sure you track your progress and every time you do your habits. There are some great habit trackers that will be able to help you along with your habit building goal.
Beat the Excuses:
Try and complete your habits first thing in the morning where your brain is still slowly waking up as this will mean that it has less chance to make excuses for you. The later you leave your habits to be completed, the more time your brain has to talk yourself out of doing them.
If you prefer to set challenges and goals with other people then perhaps set you and your friends some habits that you can all do to hold yourselves accountable and to keep momentum going. I often find that if you are trying to achieve the same goal as someone else then doing it with them helps you to achieve it more.
Understand Your Why:
If in doubt, refer back to your why. Ask yourself if you're struggling to motivate yourself "Why am I doing this?" By asking yourself why you're doing something you are helping motivate yourself and reminding yourself why you are wanting to achieve what you're wanting to achieve.
Habit Tracker:
Below I have included a free, downloadable template that you can use to help keep yourself accountable as well as trying some new habits.
You by all means do not need to complete all of the habits listed on the template but if you want to give all of them a go then of course you can do! The template is purely to help give you ideas on what habits you could incorporate into your life to help develop the best version of you as well as helping you record your progress.
You can download the template below
Let me know in the comments if you have downloaded the template and which habits you will be practicing. Remember, you can get a head start on 2021 by using the last few weeks of 2020 to practice your habits.
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