In this two part series, I share with you the ultimate self care guide for women who want to spend more time pampering themselves. In this guide, I have put together a variety of beauty products all listed under one post to save you the time searching for them. I have included products that will leave you feeling pampered, relaxed and rejuvenated. There will also be 'The Ultimate Self Care Checklist' released in the next blog post that will keep you on track when it comes to planning a pamper night. Without further a do, lets get into the self care guide...
Face Masks:


Face Washes:



Lip Care:

B - Vaseline
C - Carmex Lip Balm
Eye Care:



Hair Masks:

Body Washes:

Bath Products:

Body Creams:

Hair Removal:

I hope the above products have helped you feel inspired and perhaps add some more elements to your beauty routine. Sunday's blog post will feature the more lifestyle side of self care ranging from cosy pyjamas to the best hot chocolates and everything in between. Blog post along with 'The Ultimate Self Care Checklist' will be released on Sunday 27th September @ 9am.
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