So as the title of this blog post suggests, I ran 100km in November and I am super proud of myself for it! Ever since I have started running I have only really stuck to a 5k distance with the exception of the longer runs I would do at the weekend. Therefore, I wanted to give myself a challenge for the month of November thus I chose to run 100km in the month.
In this blog post, I will share with you how I did it so it can help you too as well as some struggles I faced throughout the challenge and how I overcome them.
How I Did It:
Broke the Distance Down - when I had decided to challenge myself to running 100km in November, the first thing I did was to break down the distance into how many weeks I had to complete the distance and then into how many times a week I wanted to run. Knowing these figures helped me to then work out how far I needed to run each day for it to then contribute to the overall goal distance.
Kept Accountable - one of the way I kept myself accountable was by not overthinking it and just heading out. The weather over November did help the majority of the time as it was dry but cold (imo the perfect running conditions) but on the odd day it would rain but that didn't stop me.
Think of Your End Goal - reminding myself of the end goal encouraged me to keep going even when the going got tough. If you remind yourself what it is that you're working towards you're likely to receive a burst of motivation that will encourage you to keep going and head out.
Run with Company - it is nice, if you can, to mix up your runs a little bit and run with company whether this be with a friend or putting on your favourite podcast / music. Sometimes distracting your mind from the actual running part will make the time go quicker and motivate you to head out.
Vary Your Runs - when initially working out how much distance I needed to do, I worked it out into 5k's but in fact, varying your distance will help keep the mind occupied and challenge it for a new distance. Also, varying the location, if you can, is also a great way to keep the mind occupied and experiencing new and exciting locations.
Believe You Can Do It - every time you have a moment where you don't want to head out or feeling a little lazy (like I did a few times!), just think to yourself that you can do it! Think about all the benefits of running that it has on you and how great you will feel once you've done your run.
Reward Yourself - have something to work towards at the end of your challenge. Whether it be new running gear, a delicious lunch etc. Having something to reward and treat yourself after is a great way to remain motivated.
Any Struggles:
Whenever I set any goal, I get super motivated to being with and then the novelty of the goal wears off and I don't feel as motivated as what I once did.
My advice if you ever feel like this is to keep going and think of the end result. Change your mindset to "I'm going to go for a run because I will enjoy it" rather than "I am going to go for a run because I have to." Also, try not to overthink going on a run too much. The more you overthink it the more you'll talk yourself out of it. So make one decisive decision that you're going to do it and then do it.
So there you have it! I hope this blog post has helped you to see what it takes to endure not just 100km in a month but any goal you have set yourself. Let me know in the comments if you will be running 100km this month or if you have another goal in mind then let us know to keep you accountable!
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