Something I have been struggling with since getting back into the swing of work is not being as active and spending most of my days, even the weekends, at my desk.
I am not complaining as I absolutely love what I do but I know that sitting at my desk all day, every day isn't good for my physical wellbeing as well as my mental health. Therefore, I wanted to find a way where I could fit in keeping active in my day as well as making time for everything that needs to be done aka juggling it all!
I feel as though I have found a couple of methods that have helped which I thought I would share in case anyone is in a similar situation. So without further ado, let's begin...
Taking a Active Lunch Break
Mostly I spend my lunch breaks grabbing a quick bite to eat and then getting straight back to it but I have tried to get out a walk for at least 30 minutes to get some fresh air and get my body moving. I am by all means no perfectionist (I believe there is no such thing) as I have only been doing this for a few days but I feel like it has helped me get away from my desk and get my body moving.
Strongly Encouraging Yourself
Let's be honest, a lot of us won't feel motivated all the time to get outside and do something. However, I remember last year, there was a time when we could only go outside for an hour a day and I made sure I took advantage of this and went outside and walked for an hour on most days.

Now looking at where I am now, I hardly spend any time outside other than meeting up with loved ones to go for a walk as that's all we can really do at the moment. So now I am trying to get back into that mindset of taking advantage of the time I have and get outside to walk.
Try and Get Your Steps In
Another good way of trying to be more active on busy days is setting yourself a target or goal to reach a certain number of steps or distance a day. By setting yourself this challenge you are more likely to want to achieve it as you don't want to let yourself down.
Blocking Your Day
If you have a busy day ahead, look at the gaps or the time you have either side of work or appointments and make the most out of it. For example, if you are working 9 - 5, take time in the morning or evening to get active and move your body. If you can, try and walk around the block on your lunch break as well with a colleague or on your own listening to a podcast so you can reset your mind and get moving.
I hope these tips have helped you like they are helping me. Like I say, these tips I have been using the past few days but they are certainly helping me get into a bit more of a routine of looking after my body as well as my mind and taking a break.