In today's society we lead very busy lifestyles with leaving little to no time to read. Or so we think. Change up your mindset from making the excuse of not having enough time to read to I am going to make reading a priority. Reading in itself has so many benefits from learning new words/information to making your creativity sharper. It is know that many successful entrepreneurs and people make reading their priority in either their morning or night routine so if they can make time for it, why can't we?
Below I have listed some tricks and tips when it comes to incorporating reading into your life and how you can make it part of your routine and a strong habit for life.
Find Your Genre
Spend some time looking online or going to a bookshop, reading the blurbs of books that stand out to you. Remember, don't judge a book by it's cover so also read the blurbs of some books that you wouldn't normally read or gravitate towards to get a different viewpoint. When shopping for books, go in with an open mindset and be willing to read anything that you find interest in rather than trying to find books under the same genre you usually go for.
Make Time for Reading
Schedule in time for reading just like you would for having your lunch. Make time in your morning routine before work or just before bed instead of scrolling aimlessly on your phone. View reading as a form of self care, an opportunity for you to escape into another world and take your thoughts to another place. So turn your phone off, sit down with your favourite drink and snack and settle down with a good book.
Set Yourself a Reading Goal
Keep yourself motivated by sticking to a reading goal. Whether this be reading one book a month or reading 10 pages a day, however big or small your goals are, set them and stick to them.
Track Your Progress
Once you have your reading goal planned out, now it is time to track your progress. There are some lovely reading logs for adults that you can buy online or why not use Goodreads as a way of tracking your progress and adding books you want to read to your 'Up Next' list.
Get Social
Set up an Instagram account for your reading and join the bookstagram community. It is super friendly but if you don't fancy setting up a bookstagram account online then why not join or create a book club in your local area. Getting social with people who share a similar interest to you is super important and will keep you encouraged to continue to read.
Share Your Opinion
Writing a book takes time and commitment therefore once you have read a book don't be afraid to share your opinion. Whether you write a review on Goodreads or the bookseller's website e.g. Waterstones, sharing your view is super important. By sharing your view you are influencing others buying decisions and if it is a positive review you are boosting the authors book higher up the ranks so it gets the recognition it deserves.
Now you have all the tools to not make excuses when it comes to sitting down with a good book. Let me know in the comments what you are currently reading and if you're not currently reading something, let me know what book you are going to read :)
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