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8 Ways to Save Money in 2021

Yes, money doesn't bring you happiness however having some money in the kitty is nice to have and allows you to spend it on something you have been saving up for like that long awaited holiday.

So to help guide you, I have put together 8 ways in which you can save a bit more money this New Year as well as providing you with a helpful resource that will not just answer your money saving needs but anything to do with money!

Tip 1 - Set Yourself a Goal

We love setting a goal here at Lifeful Lifestyle! ;) So sit down and work out how much money you want to save in a week, month or year. Having a clear outline of your money goal will help you in knowing how much it is you need to save each month to achieve it.

Tip 2 - Work Out the Sums

So once you have a clear outline of the amount you want to save, then work out how much income you have each month and out of that income how much of it needs to be spent on bills, food, essentials etc. Knowing what you have to spend your money on will put you in better stead for any extra items you want to purchase or the money you need to put away to reach your saving goal.

Tip 3 - Do You Need It?

So after following tip 1 and 2 you would have worked out how much you need to save each month to achieve your savings goal and how much you need to pay your essential outgoings. Now, I am presuming you have a little bit extra to spend between pay checks so when it comes down to what you spend this money on, ask yourself, do you need it? No doubt you will see something that you want to treat yourself to during the month but asking yourself do you need it is a good starting point to tighten down on your spending habits.

Tip 4 - Save Your Spare Change

If you have any spare pennies at the end of the month or £5 left in your spendings account, rather than adding the leftover change to next months discretionary spends, why not add it to your savings pot? As Tesco's says, "Every little helps"

Tip 5 - Set Yourself a Spending Budget

In addition to tip 3, what might help is giving yourself a spending budget each month. By setting a spending budget you are less likely to overspend and you are likely to be more careful with how you spend your money.

Tip 6 - Record Your Expenses & Income

One of the best ways to help you when it comes to being wise with your money is to record every penny going out and every penny going in. By doing this you are unlikely to overspend / go into an overdraft and you will be able to review what you purchased over the month and learn from your spending habits. For example: if you spent all your money on going out rather than buying food that you can make at home you could perhaps cut down on the going out part.

Tip 7 - Set Up a Direct Debit to Your Savings

If you set up a direct debit to your savings then you are less likely to take a fiver out here and there when you are running a bit low or not paying anything into your savings at all. By having a direct debit it will keep you more accountable and will bring you closer to your overall goal.

Tip 8 - Consider Earning Extra Cash

To help boost your savings, try selling some of your old clothes online or perhaps get crafty and sell your personalised gifts on a local buy and sell group. There is so much that you can do to earn a little bit of cash on the side that will help bump up your savings a little bit more.

So now you're all ready to go with some helpful tips for when it comes to saving a little bit of money.

I have included a helpful resource here that is great to explore and check out for anything to do with money! I have also attached a savings tracker that I hope you will find useful to reach your savings goals. I have attached the template here.


This blog post is Day 11 out of the January Series where I will be uploading 31 blog posts to help you kick start your 2021 in the right way and to help you become the best version of you.

Leave a comment below if you have any blog post ideas that you would like me to do in the future

See you tomorrow for another blog post! :)

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