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7 Powerful Habits

Are you looking to develop habits that will help you more efficiently achieve your goals? If so, keep reading as this is the blog post for you!

Based on the book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen Covey, I wanted to share with you a summary of the 7 habits he discusses in his book. These habits will help you to efficiently attain your goals as well as help you personally develop. Truth be told, I haven't had time this month to read this book but I thought I would provide a summary in case you'd like to give it a ready yourself.

Without further ado, let's get into the first habit...

Habit 1 - Be Proactive

Learn how to think on your feet or, in fact, how to think for yourself. Don't just wait for something to happen before taking action. Take action before something happens. Equally, take responsibility and learn how to positively respond to something either in or out of your control. The way you respond to experiences or situations tells a lot about someone and also helps the situation.

Habit 2 - Visualise With The End in Mind

As you've probably read a lot already on my blog or Instagram (link here ;)) I talk a lot about visualisation and starting with the end in mind. This is a habit of an 'highly effective person' as it allows them to envision what it will take for them to get to where they want to be. Then, in order for them to take this journey and reach the end, what do they need to change to get there?

Habit 3 - Time Management Matrix

Work out what is important as well as a priority then you can categorise tasks into order of priority and importance. This will help you manage your time and become more efficient in your career or personal life. Also, it is important to remember personal integrity within this habit as sticking to what you say and doing it is super important.

Habit 4 - Think Win, Win

Always try and approach situations with a mutual positioning. It is no good if one person always gets their way therefore try and make sure that both parties in the situation win. It will help to build relationship as you begin to value and respect one another.

Habit 5 - Understand to then be Understood

When speaking to people, always try and take the active listening approach. This will help the recipient feel as though they are being understood and will help you to become trusted by that person. This approach is used a lot in life coaching but is also important in Greek philosophy, see below:

1) Ethos -- your personal credibility. It's the trust that you inspire, your Emotional Bank Account.

2) Pathos is the empathetic side -- it's the alignment with the emotional trust of another person's communication.

3) Logos is the logic -- the reasoning part of the presentation.

Habit 6 - Team Work

The power of people working together is unlike no other. It's incredibly powerful and is often unvalued as individuals tend to think they can perform better on their own which is some cases is true however as the saying goes 'two minds is always better than one.'

Habit 7 - Take Time for Self Care

The term in Stephen's book is referred to as 'Sharpening the Saw' approach. Essentially, it means looking after yourself physically through exercise and mentally through meditation, yoga and reading. By focusing on self care, we are training our conscience to result in growth, change, and constant improvement.

By following all 7 of these habits, you are well on your way to developing a highly effective habit chain and routine!

Resources - Wikipedia


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