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40 Ways To Show Yourself Kindness

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day so I wanted to talk about ways in which we can show ourselves kindness. I think after the year we have all had, it has amplified more than ever that we need to show not only others kindness but also ourselves.

If we are not kind to ourselves it can affect our mental wellbeing, our self esteem as well as the impact we have on other people. We all want a world that is more kinder so what better way than to start with ourselves.

So without further ado, let's get into today's blog post!

  1. Buy yourself flowers

  2. Write yourself a card

  3. Go for a walk or run in nature with no phone

  4. Have a Digital Detox

  5. Listen to your body

  6. Pamper Night

  7. Read

  8. Meditate

  9. Journal

  10. Practice Affirmations

  11. Brain Dump Your Thoughts or Feelings

  12. Set Aside 5 Minutes to Worry, then move on

  13. Watch Your Favourite Series

  14. Manifest Your Dream Life

  15. Start Planning Your Goals

  16. Do Something Just For You

  17. Get a Good Nights Sleep

  18. Build a Morning and Night Routine

  19. Speak To Friends and Family

  20. Declutter Your Space

  21. Drink More Water

  22. Have a Piece of Fruit

  23. Take Time To Breathe in Fresh Air

  24. Seek Counselling

  25. Don't Be Afraid to Say 'No'

  26. Treat Yourself

  27. Do Your Makeup

  28. Wear Your Favourite Outfit

  29. Have a Lazy Day - and don't feel guilty!

  30. Recognise Your Achievements

  31. Section In 'You' Time Everyday

  32. Have a Movie Day

  33. Work On Your Hobbies

  34. Recognise That It's Ok To Have a Slow Day

  35. Avoid Comparison

  36. Accept You For You

  37. Drink Your Favourite Drink

  38. Make Your Favourite Meal

  39. Dispose of Things That No Longer Serve You

  40. Practice Your Breathe Work

You may already be doing some of the things listed above but I hope that you have found something that you haven't tried before and that you can experience to show yourself some kindness.

Let me know in the comments what your favourite way to show yourself kindness is

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